Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Blog Continues....

I am currently updating my page with links to my youtube channel and other gadgets, while also adding pictures to the posts from NZ where I was unable to load large pic files from my handheld. Let me know what you think of my background pic, other pics...etc.

There was obviously a drop from the 2nd week or so in I will continue on with the rest of the trip as it pertains to the pictures and my memory... hopefully before any of it fades.

Subscribe by putting your email address in the box provided so when I post an update you'll be notified....or make comments to each entry or picture and that way I can communicate with you in the future.  Otherwise the Archive on the Right can obviously lead you to the most recently updated entry:  Midget Wrestling.

Thanks for the support and to those whom I don't know, thanks for following.

As Promised...MIDGET WRESTLING !!!

Seriously, what else has to be said....?  Jezues Christo...What the Hell.... Dude, What... No WAY!

Okay the list can go on and on....However, this was a must see of sorts for some of my, of course how could I not go and see, inspect and marvel.  After all I think it was a couple years ago I flew ALL the way out to Colorado to attend a friends annual Halloween Party because that year he had booked the Midget Kiss Cover Band.....Mini Kiss.  

Yep, I was amazed then and still am today what I saw that night in Fort Collins.  But this event was apparently a structured and sponsored event playing to crowds all over the country as a part of the "Micro Wrestling League"  that's right, a fully sanctioned and COMPLETELY legit operation!!!!

Anyway, I knew none of this before I attended and apparently it turned out to be an educational trip from the way I am writing. 

I mean come on... I could have been here all night taking action photo shots but luckily my phone battery was running low, and I had seen all that I came to witness....including the wierd mix of people attending an event like this....even kids shouting at the wrestlers with their parents!  However,where do I get off commenting on others in attendance when I call this guy a friend of mine.....

Stay tuned I will add more later when I gather myself, for now its lunch time.