Tuesday, August 25, 2015

monday 2

Monday 2nd day

Brought another good morning and surf at 7 palms.  Heads were a little bingtang heavy but hearts were strong and waves still lagging a bit.  All in all a good start.  Plus a legendary over the falls move on Hobby's late drop in gave Mike (Bish) all the fuel he needed to push for his old pal to be wearing the hat this evening. Pretty inconsistent waves persisted so we enjoyed lunch and motored over back to the spot we had first entered...Scarecrows.  The wind and a bit more swell was making this spot work a bit more as you could tell a difference from our first foray into left point break.  However, there were 3 boats already there.  Again we pulled up and only a couple people had a surf...after a couple hours of watching.  That evening we would anchor nearby and enjoy another spectacular sunset and food.  We hoped to get in on an early surf at scarecrows as the swell seemed to be building.

The Dick of the Day and Puss Boots have quickly combined as one award...So AJ, for the non table suck....got to give away his slippers to Paul...who in the midst of the Kangaroo court was doing to much defending of another mans actions (John) when he had in fact dropped in on him...several thought there was something going on so Puss Boots for defending, and dick of the day for a drop in were spawned.  Congrats Paully!!

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