Byron Bay was flying by My new friend Theo and I both agreed we didn't know where the time was going. Each day was filled with the fun of surfing in the morning or evening depending on the tides then laying on the beach...even playing volleyball as the Canadians on our floor were always keen on getting the net and ball from the front desk and setting it up. I had made friends with them watching some NFL football on Monday morning when I couldn't sleep...and they seemed to enjoy our surf group crowd as we would always end up all hanging out somewhere at night. The nightlife was much like college as it seemed the University holiday brought college kids and families alike to the coast and Byron always seems to be a destination of choice. Once the swell had arrived and the surf was consistent, the days seemed to fly bye. Then slowly two by two it seemed people started leaving and the group started getting smaller. On Tuesday night it was two of the Norwegians Julia and everyone went out for dinner and some drinks and sent them on their way. Since they were in my room. Theo and I went back to the room to hang out and chat with them more.
Its during these times when you get to know people a bit more, especially since they seemed to have a lot of fun with everyone and were a bit bummed to be moving on...but had some exciting travel ahead of them as well. We learned that they both have jobs that they really don't seem to excited about, Julia is a secretary and Veronica works at a grocery store. In Norway, the Minimum wage is over 20 dollars an hour.... mostly due to the high cost of living. The easiest way to equate things is through a bottle of vodka costing 25-35 dollars for a 750ml costs over 80 there! Their country as a whole is wealthy due to the oil they drilled for in the north sea. However, these girls as well as the other two...seem to say most people aren't happy there. For instance, it is completely out of the ordinary to stop and talk to someone in the street, store or in general. They find it intrusive and crazy!! Making small talk in a grocery store is completely out of the question....even if you know the person. I mentioned THAT sounds crazy and not somewhere I would enjoy living...they agreed and said that's why they don't want to go back! They were both curious to other comparatives in The US and Holland and mostly about college. I explained how this past week had been and reminded me of some times in college. Especially before school starting when all my friends and fraternity brothers were back in town and catching up from Christmas or Summer break. Either going out and eating and partying together or just hanging out and talking in your rooms...there was always something going on and people to catch up with...where they had been and what their plans were for the future.
Even these hostels were like our dorm rooms and the people on your floor seem to link together and become friends. They all liked the idea of that and seem to have no idea or friends who have had the same as i or my friends have had with college. They were also amazed to find out that I was on vacation time and being paid at the moment while traveling. Its not altogether strange why they hadn't really thought about my age or experience with work, travel or anything for that matter. Because really when you think about it those simple things mentioned follow us around from very early ages of social experience. Whether its in kindergarten or grade school, a summer camp or a road trip with a sports seems to top off our experiences....or should anyway. Its a great time in life and one that you never want to end, but get to a point where you are ready to move on.
That night kind of summed up a week and night of all the same emotions and great times. They never get old to me and I think that's why I have enjoyed it so much to this point. I realize I've been just about as lucky as anyone I know with what I've been able to experience growing up to this point and the people along the way. Its also gratifying to see when other people understand it and maybe start figuring out how to keep it going themselves. Everyone is different....and everyone finds their pace and comfort level in the certain little joys in life. I may sound like a broken record at times repeating this same theme. But I guess that's just it...
In the same way the stories never get old either with newly met friends or old ones getting back can never forget them or the ones around you responsible for helping you along the way. With that comes a fine line of living in the past or always planning for the future or in some cases worrying about what the future somewhere along the line you have to find a balance. Just like anything in life you have to find some comfortable balance. Its taken quite sometime...but somehow I made it through my adolescence and college years without F'ing up to bad and was able to graduate with some work experience in a field of work I can live with myself from day to that lets me travel for extended times like these and be a kid again. I don't always know where I am going or where I might end up....but I feel like I am always progressing and trying to improve myself in some capacity.
So with those thoughts, some shared.. some kept... I went to bed happy and thankful.. like I have most nights for the past year.
On that note....I think its appropriate to throw in one of my favorite quotes from Gerry Lopez and Surf is Where You Find It... Fitting on so many levels.
After his very first Tow in Wave experience at Jaws in 25 foot plus waves....
"The waves looked bigger and scarier from the channel, but after riding a few, I felt it had been about the same as always. In the snowboard world, mountains always look a lot steeper and hairier when at the top looking down. From the bottom looking back up, they don't look steep at all. I continue to wonder why....Such is life we can know. Living in the past and in the future- in recollection and in anticipation - creates a less clear picture of the present. By being in the here and now we understand that the past and future only exist in the present. That's all there is, but speaking for myself, I couldn't ask for more."
I have come to really appreciate how Gerry Lopez looks at certain situations in his stories, there's just a simple Taoist type of mantra coming from his thoughts. Furthermore, it's a pretty good and even keel way to approach most things in life....and why most naturalist, outdoorsmen and surfers etc ...have some kind of happiness and centered attitude that only comes from enjoyment through the play ground where they choose to coexist. Enlightenment is probably the better term. Surf truely is where you find it!
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