Chris had to do a short work trip down to Wanganui to see a doctor, it was only an hours drive south of New Plymouth, so we went drove down that way on the loop back north to Auckland... Hwy 3 took us through Hawera, Patea and Waverly along the coast that points southward...after the doctors visit we went down to Bulls where we'd hook up on Hwy 4 to the north which would take us through several different geographical changes and a National Park. Tonariro almost has a Wyoming feel to it as your driving along and see nice little river winding through its path...flyfishermen like these waters as well.
Its crazy how just in a matter of an hour or two the landscape changes comparative to crossing a state or 12-18 hours of driving in the states.
As you can see in the pic of the link, there is an impressive mountain with snow. It sits kind of like Lake Tahoe in NV as there is a resort and holiday feel to the town of Taupo.
The lake is massive and feeds the cold trout streams below it on the way to the coast. We didn't stop much as these drives take a while and the weather was nasty as well. Its kinda nice to get a bit of a preview of things as I can kinda see what to hit or not to hit on the caravan tour w/ the Sweed.
However, we did stop in Taupo for a "slasher" Chris is quite funny with his terms. I have to admit i like the description of this one used for urinating. Its almost as if I have the Kiwi version of Hanky and his Sweedish Translation. Only exception is that I can kind of figure out the terminology of the Kiwi's much easeir than that of the Sweeds which usually makes no swense, rhyme or reason!
Anyway, it took us 6 hrs to get back to Auckland. We relaxed and watched the Rugby games rewind and caught up with Chris' wife Jo and the kids. I also stayed up a bit to watch the Dallas / NY Jets game. Two words... Tony Romo! What a slasher!
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