We were excited to be on the road back to Auckland and watching rugby since we had been talking it about all week. Plus I had at least grown used to watching pool games during the week for the past month...so the lapse was a bit noticeable.
A couple hours into it we had to stop of course to get Hanky's pie fix. The crusty delights had become a staple dietary option of late as they were everywhere and quick and easy to both pick up and eat...usually with some tasty beef or chicken inside they were much better than the gut bombs you seemed to get in the Enlish isles. I liken them more to a small homeade pie crust with some of mom's beef stew inside... well maybe not that good!!!
Regardless we had figured out that the bakeries were the place to score the freshest and thus the best pies...plus they were usually cheaper...always a plus. In doing so we noticed a small sign on the window of the shop we were ...there was an Alumni Rugby match being played today...and it was on at the moment. COOL. We all thought this was a good idea and a welcomed diversion from the van and the road. It was being held at the local college up the road. Rodney College...which is our equivilent to High School... was located in the town of Wellsford. So we made our way up to the college campus and roamed around until we found the Rugby pitch.
We were immediately impressed with rugby...naturally, these kids are young 15-17 years of age....but already have been playing longer than any of us! Plus from the young start....its evident how well these kids ball skills are...meaning they off load or pass and catch the ball so well and make it look easy. Lateraling a rugby ball on the dead run with a hard tight spiral is very much harder than it looks. Not to mention these kids kick the ball very very well. The only thing lacking is the physical side of the equation....but that's the beauty of the sport...the Alumni being older men obviously ruck and maul with ease...and the scrums were not even a question. However, if you play a fast pace game by going to the ground at conctact, ruck and protect the posession and then get the ball out quickly...then you can run as many cycles as long as you keep posession....picking your spots to advance the ball down the field. Obviously younger kids have a bit more natural stamina then the oldies...but it was fun to watch regardless. The old guys were obviously taking it easy on them...making it a good game and one to learn by....after all....Rugby is one of the few sports I can think of where Youth isn't always served up better than Experience. In rugby experience and knowledge always wins out....now obviously there's always points where that tips the other way ...and athleticisim and youth will make its presense known. But for a Fit and Strong man in his 30's with 20 or so years experience under his belt....youthfulness and athleticism is usually no match. As many of us know...those days go by quickly and there certainly is a time when it comes apparent when the experience just can't keep up with time...for some like many sports its hard to let go, because it is such a beautiful sport and unmatched in its TEAM principles for succeeding and winning....which makes it only harder to give up.
One of the local was nice enough to make friends with us....apparently he is the jack of all trades around the school and does a little bit of everything...mostly involving maitenance. Like most clubs there's always one guy like this and they usually can't survive and prosper with out him. In this case dudes name was Randy....and he was quite talkative...I can't begin to cover all the things we covered but no doubt he was full of information. He of course had a son out there playing...and he had grown up and played at rugby college when he was of age as well...nice! Apparently the kids here and in the country usually play rugby for school during the week of the school year...usually on to two games per week against other schools....but then on the weekends they play for clubs as a party of league similar to what we have in the states as a part of little leagues when we were younger. I guess AAU would be a better description. Anyway, it's apparent that playing rugby all the time like is done here is why its such a supeior sport in the region. There are other sports...but they just aren't that popular. Softball is quite big with the girls...but so is rugby and apparently Rodney College has a pretty darn good girls side as well.

Soon it was apparent that there are some pretty good players on the field. We learn that Rene Ranger who was an Ex All Black member of the japaneese 7's squad... and current longtime member of the Auckland Blues, a professional team which is a part of what is called the Super 15. There are 3 countries with 5 teams each in this "NFL" of sorts league for Rugby Union.
So...when you are an All Black...whether you played one game or hundred... you are reveered as royality...and for good reason...as you can imagine the amount of competition and the chances of selection in this rugby crazed country must be like...still, unlike gods they are just humans and not different than you and I...again, especially in this country where being humble is taught at a very early age and reminded to one through various ways as you grow older.
So, all in all a great pit stop.. after an hour and a half or so...and a thousand stories....we said good bye to Wellsford and Randy.
On the Road Again.
We were glad to see Chris, Jo and Fam after a week on the road...we showered and did some laundry and made plans for our weekend of Rugby.
We had decided that France was the lesser of two Evils...and would cheer for them as England the Evil Empire needed to be sent home just like they had been for much of thier world history! Plus it was too much having them around for the 2007 cup when everyone knew they didn't belong with the squad they had...So.. Le Le Bleu it was....that just sounds so ridiculous!
We all wanted Australia to beat the South African's as well... and I was pulling for the Irish while everyone else wanted Wales to win. Obviously the NZ Argentine game was a no brainer... I think a remaining cup w/out the all blacks would be devestating....not only for the country but just for the atmosphere of it all.
As it was... Everyone won that we wanted...except for the damned Irish. In typical fashion, they were shut out of YET another semi final by a young Wales squad that beat them at their own game. So such a spledid cup where the Irish really played beyond expectations and gone undefeated in pool play for the first time ever....was lost on handling errors, and some breakdowns on defense ....if only momentarily, long enough for Wales to make them pay....so give it to the Sheep Herders from the North, they were steamrolling towards a matchup of the Sheep hearders from the South!!!
The Atmoshphere at the England France game was Electric and really awakened us to the fact we were at the WORLD CUP OF RUGBY. The pool matches were no match for this... Eden Park in all its Glory and History being the perfect backdrop. Everywhere you walk are the Homages to the past legends and greats of the game. Its definitely a cool atmosphere and only building towards tomorrow nights game for the Kiwi's turn.
I will give France this.... they play some hell of rugby. I can't stand their country...most of their people and their fluffy language...but their style of rugby...and the players they produce to play the game are Magnificant in their own right. I have become a Huge Fan of Maxi Blah Muh Blah Fluffy Fluff... that's better than me attempting to say or spell his last name. But Maxi is a Great Fullback and played a Hell of a Game. He has some ridiculous Wolverine-esk looking beard chops...but otherwise this little guy is a beast running, kicking and defending his quarters. As much as I hate to admitt it... I love watching him play and love his game. Le Le Blue... ehh puke!
yes, espn covers rugby, although you'd never know it here in the USA where they find it more interesting to show national spelling bee's and poker games....is there anything more boring?
some good footage of him in action
The Frenchie fans as well, have to be given some props... although It pains me enough to tell them in person...it's easy enough because Most if not all of them speak so poor of English... the conversations are short... and even the sweeter in this case. But they do party and have a good time...they make the game better by their support...and of course their enjoyment at beating the English at their own game. Which Hanky reminds us all...is the only reason as a country they started playing rugby. But Back in 1987 when they made it to the very first Cup Final... it help explode rugby in the counry and make it what it is today....in fact they have been to as many finals as any other country with only Aussie and South Africa...maybe England being in More... and they've ALWAYS made the Semi's... in every tourny since it started. I think that speaks for itself.
So.. Now, history always tends to repeat itself...and it's pretty cool in this case...since the last RWC here in 87...now it has returned...24 years later...and again we have the same four teams in the Semi Finals. The only difference being the matchups. Wales to Play France instead of NZ. and Australia to play their bitter rivals NZ ....Yes this Assuming a Victory over Agentina, but lets face it Im not a humble or disaster fearful believing kiwi... they'll win and face Australia for the Tasman Sea Bragging rights that everyone is well aware of here....the famous words caught on tape, where George Gregan (Aussie's famous halfback) was shouting "Four More Years, Four More Years BOYS" around the last scrum in their Semi final Defeat of the Kiwi's back in 2003. That was later brought up again and the video footage shown when the ALL Blacks lost to France in the last world cup.
So.. not as if it needed any...but the papers have all the story lines they want to choose from...and it gets no less daunting for the kiwi's. It's literally do or die....you laugh, but not most...ALL here would rather do so then loose to the British Convicts.
As if all the story lines were enough to make the kiwi's sweat and doubt their chances the bigest news was the loss of their captain and super man number 10, fly half and quarterback of your team... Dan Carter.... to a groin injury suffered earlier in the weeks practice. He would be done for the entire cup...it was that bad...and the reaction was equally deminishing. Among all the discussion would be the proper choice to replace him...
Well the game was finally here and we were definitely excited to watch someone else play...seems like I had seen too live Northern Hemisphere rugby....and Englands case, it's really boring rugby.... I guess you can say it's about as ugly as an average English set of teeth!!! Good lard what is it with the Brits...damn, Add Flouride to your Water!! Anyway, maybe its just in their genes... whatever the case. They didn't have much to smile about anymore so that was in all angles and cases a good thing!!!
Im sure I will have a warm reception from all the ex pats back in Raleigh after reading all this...but really Im giving no more than any of them or anyone down here gives me or other Americans.... and trust me the brits are EVERYWHERE down here. There are tons that have realized their paltry existence in the Vitamen D deprived skies of the Isles and left for sunny times and better locals in Australia and New Zealand...but they haven't left their smugness behind or the love of making fun of the US.. so i just see it as my Red Blooded Amur-ikan, hell yea Right...to make fun of them... constantly!
Besides, its too easy!
I remember leaving out a story when we were at our first car park/camp at the Hot Water Beach of the first week.
I was sitting and working on my journal entries in the common room betwwen the kitchen and the tv room / laundry facility...and Hanky came in from doing laundry to chat and see what was up.
By doing so, we caught the eye of a group of brits sitting next too me. They were Welch supporters and having a good time after their slaughtering of the Fijians they night before. So naturally the talk turned from rugby to where we were from and what we were doing. Hanky and I both explained. There was plenty of questions and it was a plesant discussion. Since I had been to Aussie they were interested in hearing what I thought of the places I had been...since one of the more talkative couples was living in Sidney currently. I of course gave my approvals of the country and the wonderful times I had in the brief time spent there. However, I made the comment that I thought...at least portions of the East Coast were Much like, if not exactly like The USA. From the standpoint that you see excess in building, and there is a standard consumer path to building strip malls and such...everything there was recagnizable as the same things you can get in the states and life was very similar. But before i could get that explanation out, the English wife of one guy said... "oh I hope not, I live there" meant as a slight to the US, she let her polital views or feelings slip for that moment that she hoped she hadn't moved to Australia and it was exactly like America...that would be after all be almost treasonistic towards the crown...right? I quickly remarked that my statement Aussie was just like America...was meant as a Compliment!
Ha gotcha....
Hey listen We all know the problems that exist in the US and how dispicable things can get there in politics and in life in general... but the more I travel the more steadfast in my believe that the US is still the Best Place on Earth...all the way around in every comparison and on any level... we do it best and get it right more often than not.... although that margin is sliding away at times and getting close to going the other way... we still have hope to change things and make them right...and do so quicker and with more impact than any other place on this planet. Besides, that's why everyone always looks for our approval or help in times of need.
Most of this is just jiberish and things we already know. But people like this lady...dont, so right or wrong.. I never pass up a chance to tell her about it. As if I needed any objectivity, her husband agreed, since he had spent time there for work... imagine that.... she hadn't been to the states....
Some moral issues then became the topics of discussion... and I am constantly amazed how quickly the world has now become less and less different. I find it good in a develish kind of way that now other countries are dealing with the problems that for so long they put off or blamed on us...as being greedy americans or whatever.... The simple fact of it all is... now most countries are a part of a global fabric connected and economy wise dependant... the same problems are croping up everywhere.... why? Because we are all human...simply said. Humans are greedy by nature so that's where things go wrong...even on the most simple of levels. For instance they were talking about the problems with the Bullying in schools...and how Facebook has made social problems worse. So.. to me it shows that even beyond the Economic crisis of one persons greed tricking another into making questionable decissions and thus putting a countries wealth and standard of living into jeaopardy.... the same rational develops and happens on lower levels of basic human nature with kids growing up and making bad decisions, using greed or power or whatever to promote themselves or bring others down. Sure these things have all been around since the dawn of man...
But my point is now more evident to stubburn Europeans that like to blame our way of living and our society for everything... Now that they are dealing with these issues... BIG and SMALL in every from or fashion.. maybe they'll stop making excuses and see that its a human problem and take some responsibility... and in the case of the French, stop giving up, running away and letting someone else fight their wars or solve their porblems.... Sorry, just had to put that in there...again just too easy!
So...the good news from around the world and other people I talk to is...that regardless of how ineppt our own citizens think President Obama is.... the world still loves him and other country's have hope for us and like us more with him at the Helm... so not all is lost right?
Okay, enough serious talk, politics, world views and social plagues of our youth....it's way beyond my pay grade anyway!
It was a long day leading up to the Kiwi match and Chris wasn't feeling good. Didn't seem like he was too drunk the night before...but now seems there is a bug going around, as his daughter Reese just puked and wasn't feeling well... uh oh. One thing you don't wanna do while traveling is pick up a bug... I know that... as well as most of us do... all to well.
So Chris gave us a ride down to the game...as we would take the 12midnight ferry back to his game after the match...that would leave us some time afterwards to have some drinks and celebrate what would be a Kiwi Victory and a berth into the Semi's.
However, the game was less than spectacular ...coming from a kiwi's point of view at least. We thought it was an Amazing game...but the atmosphere was completely dead! Its like the kiwi's expected a complete blowout and dismantling of the team that placed third in the last world cup!!!!
Sure at one point early in the match the Argentine's were up by one point...but that didn't last long. As Dan Carter's replacement Peri Weepu had a marvelous perfromance and kicked the hell out of the ball too... think he made 5 penalty kicks or something... he was just automatic....additionally he led the team like he had been their captiain for a decade. Surely the kiwi's would be thankful...and now more confident... they weren't Most complained of somthing or another.
I was astonished... i think all the rubbish they were reading and hearing was really becoming a reality to them....when in fact it wasn't. I think the game was great because the kiwi's took it too the Argentines, and didn't let up. Granted they didn't bust any long spectacular runs score insane highlight reel tries... but they kept pounding their centers and wearing them down. I give credit to the Pumas for not breaking.... they are a magnificant side that is only going to be more and more of a force in the years to come.
Besides you never know the real game plan...or what goes on in the locker room. The kiwi public was complaining of their ineptitude to break the Puma Defense....but maybe the pounding of the centers and the vanilla play was simply a conservative and steady approach.... seriously...maybe that's what they wanted from within.... and the phases that went long from sideline to sideline late in the second half and produces the goal scoring tries late in the match were the result of that approach. I personally thought so... and enjoyed it... but I was getting the sense that the Kiwi's were a bothersome bunch who had too much english blood in them and were never going to be happy with any result.
Regardless we had a good time...all be it not at the hands of the entertainment downtown after the match. I realize it was late sunday night after a big weekend....but Come ON... its the World Freaking Cup....
We did however, catch a Zamphir - Ron Burngandy jazz flute performance in the cloud by the port. Seriously...I was wishing that some of my friends could have seen what I was witnessing...just completely, ridiculously HILARIOUS. There were only 5 of us in this Giagantic performance area and this band with a dude in a Blue Party Jacket was getting down with the electric flute, Im sure he was musically a genious on the side of Jethro Tull...but come on... I wanted to know who booked this guy for a performance after the Quarter Final Match in downtown Auckland....that's a real jump around type performer sure to get your blood pumping! Anyway, I was glad to have witnessed it and got some great video, as there was no one to fight past to get to the front of the stage!!!
Vive Le Blu...this guy was no doubt French!
Don't miss his performance on YouTube:
Needless to say after a long day of Rugby and Laughing ourselves into a Side Ache at the post game entertainment...we gladly hopped on the ferry back home for some sleep and to get ready for another week of travel.